Vision, Mission & Target Faculty of Islamic Theology and Islamic Thought UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

Vision, Mission & Target Faculty of Islamic Theology and Islamic Thought UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Indonesia.


  • Superior and leading the integration and development studies and scientific keushuluddinan for civilization.


  • Developing Education oriented integration and development of thought in the field of fundamental sources of Islam, beliefs and philosophy, religious studies, and sociology of religion.
  • Maintaining the tradition of knowledge and intellectual, as well as foster a culture of ijtihad in multidisciplinary research.
  • Improving and developing the resources of the Faculty became effective potential and quality in order to engage the community and the nation's resolve problems.
  • Develop faculty cooperation with academic institutions and other institutions to realize the tri-dharma college, especially in the field of Keushuluddinan.


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