Profile Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Profile Faculty of Science and Technology officially opened along with changes IAIN Sunan Kalijaga into the State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, and start accepting new students in the academic year 2004 -2005. By launching the concept of Zikr (Zero-based, faith, Consistent and Result oriented) as its orientation. Faculty of Science and Technology opened six courses plus four courses that previously were in the Faculty of Tarbiyah, namely:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry
  4. Biology
  5. Informatics Engineering
  6. Industrial Engineering
  7. Mathematics Education
  8. Chemistry Education
  9. Biology Education
  10. Physics Education

Student of Mathematics, in addition to deepen the mathematical sciences are also equipped with computer programming skills as a response to the demands of the development and application of technology. The program is supported by laboratory studies math library (analysis, algebra, statistics and applied), and teknoklas computing laboratory. By combining mathematics and Islamic and socio-humanitarian, course curriculum of mathematics can be used in the field of astronomy Advancement, Shari'ah as well as all sectors of the economy that require the application of mathematics.

Physics study program is also supported by sophisticated tools in the laboratory fundamental physics, computational physics, atomic and core laboratory, electronics laboratory, laboratory instrumentation and laboratory seed, which is a merger astrophysical laboratory of physics and astronomy.

Chemical studies program with a laboratory equipped with the latest instruments, namely education laboratory (consisting of Basic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry), reseach laboratory, computational chemistry laboratory and chemical laboratory instrumentation.

The program of study Biology laboratory equipped with the basic biology, zoology, botany, embryology, tissue culture, microbiology and integrated laboratory. With the integrated professional ability interconnected with Islamic and humanitarian social, graduates of this course can work in the field of genetic engineering, environmental health, as well as the auditor industry likely to be entrepreneurs.

Industrial Engineering study program is designed to produce graduates who are professional field tekbik the longest industry, supported by the ability of good information engineering field, and have the foundation of Islam and humanity social adequate. The curriculum of this course to emphasize the application of industrial engineering applied in the industrial world, especially industrial micro, small and medium enterprises; entrepreneurship capabilities, systems analyst in manufacturing and service industries, as well as the use of information technology in the industry. Industrial engineering study programs are supported by laboratory facilities in the field of integrated manufacturing, decision support and operation Optimation.

Information Engineering study program comes with a goal scored superior human resources in the integration of interconnect science informatics techniques and Islamic and humanitarian social. The core competence of this course is the mastery and application of information technology in the field of decision making, operation and advanced application development. Learning facilities for this course is state of the art of the results of advances in information technology such as fiber optic connection, cyber campus, Wi-Fi, mobile-technology, advanced laboratory, as well as the ICT (information and communication technology).


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