Integrated Laboratory UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

This laboratory was established to organize academic services, research and community service. This laboratory also serves as the focal point of interaction with the external research community, and prepare students to recognize and understand the science and technical developments. Besides specialized knowledge, analytical skills, and application of science and technology, students are also equipped with the necessary skills in order to creatively address the issues and needs facing the community. Together to uphold the commitment to integration, the connection between the curriculum, particularly in innovation, trust in technology and professionalism.

Based on information from the website Integrated Laboratory, the following is the composition of the Integrated Laboratory manager:

Director: Dr M Djafar Lutfhi, M.Si
Assistant Director for Academic Affairs and Development: Kifayah Amar, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of Administration and Resources: Muhammad Taufiq Nuruzzaman, M.Eng
Quality Manager: Dony Eko Saputro, S.Pd.I
Technical Manager: Indra Nafiyanto, S.Si


  • Chemistry: Karmanto, M.Sc
  • Biology: Jumailatush Shalihah, M.Si, M.Biotech
  • Physics: Retno Rachmawati, M.Si
  • Mathematics: Mohammad Farhan Qudratullah, M.Si
  • Industrial Engineering: Yandra Rahardian, M.T
  • Technical Information: M.Didik R Wahyudi, M.T
  • Mathematics Education: Mulin Nu'man, Pd

IT Coordinator and Infrastructure: Awan Pramudya Wardhani,S.Kom
Care Coordinator and Equipment: M.Ikhwan ardiansyah, S.T

PLP field

Chemical laboratory: A. Vitello, S.Si, Indra Nafiyanto, S.Si, Isni Gustanti, S.Si
Biology Laboratory: Dony Eko Saputro, S.Pd.I., Festy Auliyaur Rahmah, S.Si., Ethik Susiawati, S.Si., Sutriyono, S.Si., Anif Yuni Muallifah, S.Si.

Physics Laboratory: Win Indra Gunawan, S.Si., Agung Nugroho, S.Si., Ashim Septiyansyah. S.Si.

Laboratory of Industrial Engineering: Agus Suwandi, S.T., M. Arief Rochman, S.T., M. Ikhwan ardiansyah, S.T.

Laboratory of Informatics: Awan Pramudya Wardhani,S.Kom, Yusuf Murdani, S. Kom., M. Iqbal AnugerahThang., Muhammad Munawir, S.T, Iriyanta
Mathematics and Science Education Laboratory: Muhammad Zamhari, S.Pd.Si
Laboratory Mathematics: Aditya Saputra, S.Si

Staff Labortorium: Totok Haryanto, Hasim Munawar, Tuti Ariyanti, S.E


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