History of the Faculty of Islamic Theology and Islamic Thought UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

History of the Faculty of Islamic Theology and Islamic Thought UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
Department of Islamic Theology opened in conjunction with the official inauguration of IAIN Al-Jami'ah on August 24, 1960. Based on the determination of religious minister number 43 1960 article 4, paragraph 1, and the Regulation of the Minister of Religion No. 5 of 1963 Chapter I Section 4, faculty Ushuluddin has four majors , namely: a) Department of Da'wa, b) Department of Sufism, c) Department of Philosophy, and d) Department of Comparative Religion.

During its development, the Department Tasawwuf closed due to lack of demand. In 1970, the Department of Da'wa upgraded to the Faculty of Da'wa, so the Department of Islamic Theology has only two departments, namely Comparative Religion and Philosophy. 1982/1983 academic year opened Islamic Theological Studies program, but not long-lived. 1989/1990 academic year, the Faculty of Islamic Theology department received additional Tafseer-Hadith which originally was one of the majors on the faculty of Shariah. As the times, adding more of the Faculty of Islamic Theology Studies Program, the Program for the Study of Religion and Society, which then changed its name to the Sociology of Religion Studies Program. Thus, Faculty Ushluddin currently has four courses / study, namely:

  1. philosophy of Religion
  2. Comparative Religion
  3. Qur'anic Studies and Interpretation
  4. Sociology of Religion

In addition to continuously strive to maximize its role in strengthening and / or open new departments, Department of Islamic Theology renamed Faculty of Islamic Theology and Islamic Thought.


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