Student Activity Unit Gita Savana (UKM) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Gita Savana is a student organization that is in the environment IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta who deals in art choir. At first UKM is part of the UKM Orseni (Sport and the Arts) by the name of Big Family Student Choir (KBPSM) IAIN Sunan KalijagaYogyakarta.

After three years of journey KBPSM and management turnover occurs twice, finally KBPSM changed its status to a separate UKM to PSM (Student Choir). This change in status was officially occurred on 19 April 1999 marked the Rector's Decree No. IAIN Sunan Kalijaga 49 1999. Name Gita Savana used as PSM UKM's identity implies stretch of tone; in the sense that the UKM PSM is a collection of sounds that have different tones but teramu in one song into a stretch of the regular sound and enjoyable.

After a two-year journey, UKM PSM "Gita Savana" began to try to form a clear format and improving construction choral art more programmed and directed that not only ceremonial events staged for the institute, but also deserves to be staged outside the campus in front of crowds . This is consistent with the vision and mission of the establishment of UKM PSM which is not only to develop the potential of choral singing, but also makes the student choir as conspiracy and dynamic sermons sound symbols of Islam through art.

Routine activities UKM PSM Gita Savana that is held is his appearance in ceremonial occasions such institute in new admissions (PMB) annually, in the graduation ceremony, Anniversary IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, ceremonies and the like. Other than that, UKM PSM Gita Savana Savana also publish news since 19 April 2003 until now regularly every 2 months.

In addition to regular activities proficiency level, UKM PSM Gita Savana also did many other performances, both in the local and national scale; for example in support of peace nation collaboration concert on 27 July 2001 in Yogyakarta Societet building, opening of the exhibition of paintings "Asedn Spiritual Art" dated July 27, 2001 in the museum Afandi Yogyakarta, Performing Interfaith Discourse at the Ambassador Auditorium, University of Yogyakarta on 22 November 2001, the making of the video clip for interfaith peace event that aired Indosiar dated March 10, 2002, and a variety of performances and other activities.


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