Center for the Study of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta has several study center as a place of scientific development for the progress of civilization.

Study centers owned UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, among others:

  1. Lecturer Power Development Center (Center for Teaching Staff Development)
  2. Center for Neuroscience Health and Spirituality
  3. Center for the Study of Religious Diversity and Cultural Affairs (Center for the Study of Religious and Social-Cultural Diversity)
  4. Saturday Night Discussion
  5. Center for the Study of Higher Education Management
  6. Center for the Study and Production Calligraphy
  7. Entrepreneurship Studies Center
  8. Center for the Study of Islam and Social Transformation (Center for the Study of Islam and Social Transformation)
  9. Center for the Study of Culture Media and Arts
  10. Center for Women's Studies

Study center at the Faculty of Adab and Cultural Studies:

  1. Institute for the Study of Library Science
  2. Institute for History and Culture
  3. Institute for Middle East Studies
  4. Institute of Foreign Languages
  5. Sunan Kalijaga Center

Study center at the Faculty of Da'wa and Communication:

  1. Propagation and Transformation Study Center

Study center at the Faculty of Shariah and Law:

  1. Institute for Religion and Human Rights Studies
  2. Center for the Study of Taxation and Zakat

Study center at the Faculty of Science of MT and Teaching:

  1. Center for Developing Islamic Education

Study center at the Faculty of Islamic Theology and Islamic Thought:

  1. Center for the Study of Religion and Disasters
  2. Religion and Culture Laboratory Local
  3. Laboratory Qur'an and Hadith
  4. Laboratory Philosophy "Wisdom"

Study center at the Faculty of Science and Technology:

  1. Reckoning Ru'yat Research Center
  2. Halal Research Center

Study center at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities:

  1. Center for Social Sciences and Humanities

Center study in the Graduate Program:

  1. Dynamics Research Center of Religion, Culture, and Society
  2. Dialogue Center


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