Getting to know library UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Part #2

Policy development in library and information systems of library State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta:

Human Resource Development. To carry out these tasks in their daily life, Library Unit is supported by 45 personnel, which is composed of 1 Head, 2 Coordinator, 8 and 34 Staff Affairs Coordinator, with the status of civil servants and the honoree with an organizational structure that is more emphasis on technical services and services general. In the period 2000-2003 Human Resource Library Unit UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, which is the backbone of the entire activities of the library, has experienced some increase in HR. It is characterized by an active party in the library participate in various activities, such as workshops, educational and training, courses, training and seminars in the field of library and information. Library Unit UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta also sent personnel regularly follow training library and information which is held by the Library UPT UGM library every year. In April 2001, the Library Unit UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta also has formed a group of librarians with a membership of 14 person and in 2003 increased to 17 person. In addition, the formation of Credit Score Assessment Team Librarian Position is expected to support all the needs related to the librarian.

Collection development. Collection development is increasing both quantitatively and qualitatively. In early June 2003 the number of titles of books as much as 32 259, 102 719 copies; and is projected by the end of 2003 amounted to 103 168 copies. Besides, there are non-book collections, such as tapes, mikrofish, and CD-ROM from Canada, journals, theses, magazines and papers faculty discussion UIN. Collections are a mainstay of the collection is a donation from Canada. In the near future will serve thesis Library Unit online on the Internet and on CD. So that students are asked to submit their thesis also submit a diskette for diakseskan over the internet. Thus the thesis-thesis will be accessible directly by users of the library in full text via the electronic media.

Development Services Use. In the period 2000-2003, the library services have evolved in terms of both quality and quantity. Of services that are semi-automation into full automation-based services. The number of visitors to the library every day to grow and according to statistics the number of visitors to the month of June 2003 was 205 120 visitors with an average of 1547 visitors per day person. To the Library Unit UIN Sunan Kalijaga implement automation systems in the field of circulation, fines, checking membership cards and statistics by using the Local Area Network (LAN) equipped with Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). Starting in February 2003, UPT UIN Sunan Kalijaga already provide internet services to both users access information on the Internet, giving utilization of internet courses and services via the internet with a website address The addition of other types of services were also held, among others, computer training, information desk services, photocopy services, references, thesis, dissertation, serial clippings and also provide the service of papers / artiket options downloaded from the internet. With a library of such services, the number of library members from year to year increase of 6,254 person in 2000 to 12 174 person at the beginning of September 2003. The number of members increased library also affect the number of books borrowed from 120 324 in 2000 to 56 523 in in 2003, this suggests that the collection of library materials owned by the relative Library Unit can meet the needs of users. The more often a book borrowed by users, the risk of damage to the higher of the book. Therefore Library Unit UIN Sunan Kalijaga constantly trying to make amends with a good book penjulidan way back as well as a way of copying the pages are missing.

Development Cooperation Library. In order to support the development of libraries, Library Unit UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta cooperation with the Forum Library College (FKP2T), which annually regularly hold meetings. The forum resulted in an agreement presence Way Card that can facilitate access to any public university libraries, UIN, STAIN Java to get the facility became a member of the library and read in places. Other forms of cooperation include collaboration with McGill Canada in the field of collection development, service and marketing information systems. Preparation of the thesaurus, HR and management library. Cooperation with UIN Library Unit Walisongo Semarang in the form of workshops library services, become a member ndonesia Digital Library Network, Library Unit profile delivery on CD for information management institutions, actively sending staff UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library Unit in order to develop human resource library manager Madrasah- Madrasah in Central Java, West Java, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, Lampung and South Kalimantan and actively participate in fostering and developing D3 majoring in library and information Islam Faculty of Adab UIN Sunan Kalijaga.


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