Getting to know of library UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Part #1

Library UIN established since it was named IAIN in 1960. Today has been progressing very rapidly with the transformation of IAIN to UIN Sunan Kalijaga with faces and a new paradigm, not only from all forms of building new, but the scientific paradigm which combines integrate interconnect religion and science of the universe for the sake of a better civilization.

The library is a vital element in a university. Existence would strongly support the implementation of the Tri Dhama College. Since its inception, the library has become an integral part. Historically even the existence of the library can be found in every faculty. There was also the Islamic Library that provides a collection of classic books, especially those related to the texts of classical Islamic studies. Unfortunately, this Islamic Library was closed and its collection is added to Library collection UIN and partly donated to the collections of UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia) Yogyakarta.

Before you put together in a separate container with the name of Library Unit, each faculty at UIN Sunan Kalijaga has its own library with a library collection in accordance with the faculty and department owned. However, after the establishment of the Library Unit, it was decided to unify all the libraries and collections in the Library Unit.

Library is an operation unit that is responsible for providing and utilizing the library materials, conduct reference service, and maintaining library materials and perform clerical library. Library Unit UIN Sunan Kalijaga technically in charge of providing and processing of library materials, providing services and utilization of library materials, and conduct reference service for the purposes of education, research, and community service.


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