Religion Laboratory UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Part #3

To organize laboratory activities Religion / Mosque Sunan Kalijaga has developed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is complete. Most citations later SOP can be seen on the walls of the laboratory facilities Religion / mosque.

Laboratory Religion / Mosque Sunan Kalijaga at least have three basic functions of service centers are:
  • As a center of worship and Islamic activities, either in the form of propaganda, study, training, and public services in the field of Islam at UIN Sunan Kalijaga supported by long-term sustainability.
  • As the center of the development and review of the Core Values of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, especially integration - general science and Islamic interconnection charged the values dedikatif-innovative, inclusive and continuous improvement.
  • As the center of UIN Sunan syi'ar Kalijaga in the field of Islamic and civil society in order to enhance the competitiveness distinctive value of the institution that brings benefit to society.
As a center of worship and Islamic activities, is expected to be the center of Religious Laboratory entire Islamic religious activities in the environment UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Residents Campus (Lecturer, employees, and students) are expected to conduct regular worship, ranging from five daily prayers, especially between 11:30 Dhuhr prayer sd 12.30, Koran, Friday prayers, praying Duha, Memorial Day of the Great Islam, as well as various other Islamic activities in Sunan Kalijaga Mosque. Aside from that, the mosque Sunan Kalijaga also expected to become a center of Islamic preaching and community development in the UIN Sunan Kalijaga to the general public and became the center of the development of human capital in the field of Islam through various trainings organized.

In the future, it is expected Mosque Kalijaga Sunan can be shared learning center at UIN Sunan Kalijaga environment friendly and polite to greet the public with a wide range of complexity by using a variety of contemporary propaganda methods including e-propaganda portal, web site, or method of target communities as well as the various methods that have been commonly used previously. Into, -in academicians environment-including as a media trainer for senior students and faculty to prepare material Friday sermon, sermon also marriage. At the time the announcement before Friday prayers began can be used both Arabic and English, so that in line with the Quality Assurance at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Likewise, the delivery of the Friday sermon.

In this context, Sunan Kalijaga Mosque is expected to perform the functions of Education and Social Community as well. Activities - religious social activities such as' amil zakat, infaq, and sadaqah and their distribution to people in need, assisted community empowerment, and social development based on Islamic values will make the Mosque Sunan Kalijaga provide wider benefits to the academic society and community. The cooperation and networking with Amil Zakat, Wallet and other Dhuafa will color motion and activity Laboratory Religion / UIN new mosque.


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