- Islamicity: First, Sunan Kalijaga mosque was built facing the Qiblah. Old mosque is not facing the Qibla. Second, Arabic calligraphy in a variety of species, both naskhi, rik'i, kufi, tsulusi, diwani, and so forth. Messages in calligraphy are also very varied according to the vision, mission, and goals UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Third, this mosque architecturally aligned (tawazun), simple (basatah) and regular (murattabah). Harmony, revealed in appearance always brings recesses / holes existing basin in the figure of the building, as a manifestation of harmony with the natural environment is still quite naturally around the figure of the building is situated. Simplicity, looks on any ornament or display form raised. Likewise, the shape of the roof sheathing which adopts a straightforward pyramid shape / plain, simple, what it is, which is oriented upward to infinity. Form very familiar with the existing residential neighborhood around it. Regularity, manifested in the loop-loop that occurs in the appearance of the facade (the combination of forms) of the building. Either the appearance composition horizontal lines or vertical, as well as areas that massive or hollow. All are paraded in a row building facade that produces a compact and orderly composition.
- Locality: architectural, this mosque also pay attention to the local culture, Java. This mosque has a pyramid design that reflects elements of culture (Java) the personality and vitality. The first, refers to the cohesion and integration of culture itself, which is essentially opposed to change and maintain the authenticity, while the second, referring to the power adjustment with new problems and contemporary. If the first component allows an autonomous community looking for a suitable answer without having to be glued to the others, then the second component allows for the development of business objectives can change the culture so that culturally, there are close links between development / changes and a person's outlook on life. Behind the nameplate Laboratory Religion / Mosque Sunan Kaljaga included one message and expression of Sunan Kalijaga, spreader guardian name of Islam in Java that is taken by the founders of the College became the name of the Islamic University, which reads: "Hanglaras Ilining Banyu; Ngeli Hananging Ora Keli ". The intent of this phrase is that "in real life, humans should live like running water; man follows the flowing water, but humans should not be dissolved and washed away ". Message and expression of the Sunan Kalijaga actually contains the values of religiosity and spirituality are high especially in the era of globalization, containing a submission that is highly recommended in Islamic mysticism, but humans do not have to oppose a change for the positive change.
- Modernity: In line with the core and model of scientific and Islamic studies / religious in UIN Sunan Kalijaga, integrative and interkonektif, the awareness of the need to preserve the environment of the universe (ecological), social cohesion (inclusive) and economic values are reflected in the completeness of building facilities mosque. First, ecological awareness envisaged that the rest of the former ablutions or not disposed to flow out just like that, but accommodated in Ground Reservoir. Water collected in Ground Reservoir is then used to water the plants around the campus and for the benefit of others. In addition, the mosque was designed not to use air conditioning, but traffic utilizing wind will naturally cool the room. Second, the inclusion of the mosque reflected in the building that is friendly to disabled people (different ability), community groups with special needs (disabilities) as the blind and disabled. In addition, the facility is also provided special seating for parents and obesity (overweight) who are unable to stand or sit cross-legged for too long. The economic value and space efficiency is also reflected in the use of space under the building of the mosque as a university cafeteria, a meeting place for faculty, staff, students and other guests.
- Taking into account the three architectural significance attached to the building of the mosque, the values, and meanings inherent in building and laboratory facilities Religion / mosque also functions as an inspirational, motivational and pedagogical to faculty, students and the community and visitors in general. The new mosque, not only serves as a ritual-worship, but also the title as a "laboratory" Religion. Where students and other visitors to hone though the thought, though the heart, though the taste, and if art, in the understanding of religion. Religious life is not separate from the meaning and values of cultural, ecological, social inclusiveness, and economics.
Religion Laboratory UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta [Part #2 Meaning of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Mosque architecture]

With architecture that may be different from most mosques in general, many are asking about the form and meaning of UIN Sunan Kalijaga mosque architecture. The architecture of the building in general and in particular mosque contains a deep meaning and philosophy. Let us briefly explain the meaning and intent inherent in the architecture of the building of the mosque Sunan Kalijaga. This mosque named Masjid Sunan Kalijaga. Architecturally, the building of this mosque has three (3) distinctive values that characterize mainly: (1) Islamicity, (2) locality, and (3) modernity.
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