Vision - Mission - Objectives of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Vision - Mission - Objectives of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Being a center of science and technology-based Enlightenment and Transformation of Islamic Civilization.


  1. Integrating and developing Islamic studies, science, and keindonesiaan in education and teaching.
  2. Developing a culture of ijtihad in multidisciplinary research that benefit the academic and public interest.
  3. Increasing the participation of institutions in solving national problems based on Islamic and scientific insight to the realization of civil society.
  4. Build trust and develop cooperation with various parties to improve the quality of implementation Tridharma.


  1. Produce graduates who have the academic ability and professional integrative-interkonektif.
  2. Produce scholars who believe, morality, social skills, managerial, and entrepreneurial spirit and a sense of social responsibility.
  3. Produce scholars who appreciate and animating values of science and humanity.
  4. Making the university as a center of excellence in the field of study and research studies integrative-interkonektif.
  5. Building a robust and functional network with alumni.


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