UIN Sunan Kalijaga Rector, Prof. Drs. H. Akh. Minhaji, M.A., Ph.d. set 3 Vice-chancellor UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta period 2015-2019

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After going through the test of ability and propriety, Rector of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Prof. Drs. h. Akh. Minhaji, M.A., Ph.d.finally set 3 candidates Vice-chancellor of 7 candidates for Vice-chancellor who follow test ability and propriety, a ViceRector of the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta period 2015-2019. all three are: Prof. Dr. m. Sutrisno, Ag., (Professor of Facultyof Tarbiyah and teacher training). Prof. Sutrisno was appointed Vice Rector I (Academic and Development Institutions). Dr.Waryono, m. Ag., (currently serving as Dean of the Faculty of Preaching and communication). Dr. Waryono was appointedVice Rector II (areas of General Administration, Financial planning and UIN Sunan Kalijaga). Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin Dr., MA., (Professor, Faculty of Shari'ah and law). Ruhaini was appointed Deputy Rector III (the field of Student Affairs and cooperation UIN Sunan Kalijaga). All three are appointed by the Rector of the UIN Sunan Kalijaga based on the decision of the Minister of religious affairs RI No. 5 by 2015, dated February 5, 2015, housed in the building of administrative center ofUIN Sunan Kalijaga, Friday, February 6, 2015.

In the implementation of the inauguration, the Vice-Chancellor, in addition to doing the pledge the oath of Office, also signed a statement of integrity Pact that contained 7 points, are:-Act as a pro-active in the prevention efforts and the eradication of corruption, collusion, and nepotism, and does not involve themselves in acts of disgraceful.  Do not ask and receive gifts directly or indirectly in the form of bribes, gifts, favors, or any other form which does not comply with the provisions in force. -be transparent, honestobrektif and accountable in carrying out the task.  Avoid conflict (conflict of interest) in carrying out the task.  Give examples of compliance with legal regulations in carrying out the task, especially to employees who are under the pengawasannya and fellow employees in the environment consistently. – Will deliver information integrity lapses at the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta as well as maintaining the confidentiality of witnessesupon violation of regulations that were reported. – When breaking things mentioned above, ready to face the consequences.

Meanwhile, Prof. Minhaji, finished in his speech anointed among others delivered the third Vice-chancellor, appointed wasthe best option, after going through the lengthy process of selection Committee agenda. Seven people following the selection process, said Minhaji, Lo also all qualified. It is delivered by four panelists from UIN UIN Syarif HidayatullahMaulana Malik Ibrahim, GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY and the Ministry of Religious AFFAIRS, the implementation of themengawalproses test ability and propriety of yesterday. Besides, according to Minhaji, it is also apparent from thestatement of the seven candidates who declare that they will not overload the Rector, but will compete to solve all issuesparticipate in Campus UIN SunanKalijaga, with the hope that this will become increasingly white campus is thriving.

Minhaji hope, the third Vice-Chancellor elected to correct incorrect understanding and mastering the basic functions andtasks, respectively. But in any decision-making and policy-setting, the trio could be dissolved and United with the Rector. In the meantime, continue the great work that has been done by the previous Rector, the academic who developed the concept of integration-Interkonektif Minhaji, raring, joined by the Vice Rector will continue to strive to develop this conceptand really felt the idiosyncrasies of this white akademikkampus development and the part it played in the development of Islamic civilization, in all walks of life education both domestically and abroad.

Offensive about the development of the construction of campus UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Minhaji raring to immediately make it happen. It was concerned, if the construction of the campus of UIN Sunan Kalijaga 2nd phase 2 was not immediately carried out, then the country's money will be drained to pay for land compensation.Therefore, will soon be published Blue PrintUIN Sunan Kalijaga Campus Development phase 2, so please Minhaji.

History Graduate Program UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta was born as a continuation of the State Islamic University (PTAIN), Academy of Sciences Department of Religion (ADIA), and the State Islamic Institute (IAIN). Its birth aims to explore the teachings of Islam and develop the spiritual treasures of the nation as the struggle of the people of Indonesia and participated in filling and realizing the ideals of Independence, which is to promote the general welfare and national life.

UIN Sunan Kalijaga as Islamic Higher Education institutions (PTAI) realized the universality of Islam must accept pluralism of the nation and the process of globalization in international relations. This fact requires UIN Sunan Kalijaga morally responsible for assessing academic and Islam; spread peace and communicate it to the whole world through the Tri Dharma College; and empowering human resources expert in Islamic Studies, faith, and piety.
Since the Academic Year 1983/1984 UIN Sunan Kalijaga pioneering formal education for scholars who wish to obtain a Master's and Doctoral degrees. This pilot based on the Ministry of Religious No. 26 set back in 1983 by the Decree of the Minister of Religion No. 208 of 1997 and Decree of the Minister of Religion No. 95 of 1999. In the academic year 1985/1986 for the first time gave birth Graduate Program Master graduates and from that time also held lectures Doctoral Program (S3).

Formal education was originally called the Faculty of Graduate and Doctoral Education IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Furthermore, for the first time the dean of the faculty of the Graduate and Doctoral Education chaired by the Rector of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, H. Zaini Dahlan, MA
Not long served as dean, H. Zaini Dahlan, MA Indonesian government appointed as Director General of Institutional Islamic Religious Department. Furthermore, the post of dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Doctoral Education delegated to Prof. Dr Hj. Zakiah Daradjat.

In further developments, the name of the Faculty of Graduate and Doctoral Education converted into the Graduate Program headed by a director. For the first time, the post of Director of the degree program IAIN Sunan Kalijaga held by Prof. Dr Nourouzzaman H. Siddiqi, M.A. However, dated July 16, 1999 he died. Furthermore, Acting Director of the Graduate Program IAIN Sunan Kalijaga held by the Rector of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr HM Atho Mudzhar, based on the Decree of the Rector of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, No. 198 / Ba.0 / A / 1999.

Furthermore, in the following year on February 7, 2000, Prof. Dr Faisal Ismail, M.A. defined as the Director of the Graduate Program IAIN Sunan Kalijaga new, based on Decision Rector IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, Number: 21 / Ba.0 / A / 2000. After four months as Director, he was appointed by the President as Head of Research and Development of Religion Religious Affairs in Jakarta.

In accordance with the elucidation of Article 54 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation No. 60, 1999, starting on June 12, 2000, by decree of the Rector, Acting. Graduate Program Director IAIN Sunan Kalijaga held by Vice Rector, Prof. Dr HM Amin Abdullah, Rector of IAIN Sunan based Decision Kalijaga, Number: 91 / Ba.0 / A / 2000.

With the election of Prof. Dr HM Amin Abdullah as Rector of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, based on the Rector's decision No. 115 / Ba.0 / A / 2002, since the date of March 22, 2002, the Director of Graduate IAIN Sunan Kalijaga chaired by Prof. Dr H. Moses Asy'arie.

Before his term expires, Prof. Dr H. Moses Asy'arie appointed as Advisor to the Minister of Communications and Information Technology and the Role of Socio-Cultural Community, beradasarkan on Presidential Decree No. 81 / M of 2005 dated May 23, 2005. Further, the period between 2005 to 2006, Acting Director of the Graduate Program UIN Sunan Kalijaga chaired by Prof. Dr H. Machasin, MA, based on the Decree of the Rector of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, No. 218 / Ba.0 / A / 2005.

Furthermore, since July 17, 2006 until 2010, the Director of the Graduate Program UIN Sunan Kalijaga chaired by Prof. Dr H. Alexander the Great. It is based on the Decision of the Rector of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, No. 312 / Ba.0 / A / 2006.

Beginning in 2001/2002 Graduate Program UIN Sunan Kalijaga implement Integrated Curriculum S2 / S3. Full system used, each student is free to choose courses offered by meeting a predetermined number of credits. Along with the transformation UIN by Presidential Decree No. 50 dated June 21, 2004, the institute also turned into the Graduate Program UIN Sunan Kalijaga.